Glycolysis of other hexoses I. Regulation Overview II. Starch Catalysis A. glycans 1. heteropolysaccharides 2. homopolysaccharides 3. functions B. Glycogen C. Starch 1. Structure 2. Catalysis III. Other Monosaccharide Entry A. Fructose 1. fructose 1-Phosphate pathway a. fructose -> F 1-P 1) enzyme = fructokinase b. F 1-P -> glyceraldehyde + DHAP 1) enzyme = fructose 1-phosphate aldolase c. Glyceraldehyde -> G 3-P 1) enzyme = triose kinase B. Galactose 1. galactose-glucose interconversion pathway 2. galactose -> gal 1-P a. enzyme = galactokinase 3. Gal 1-P -> glucose 1-P a. enzyme = galactose 1-phosphouridylyltransferase 1) UDP-galactose and glucose 1-phosphate b. Glu 1-P -> G 6-P 1) enzyme = phosphoglucomutase c. UDP galactose -> UDP-glucose 1) enzyme = UDP-glucose 4-epimerase 4. galactosemia 5. lactose intolerance C. Mannose