Cell Anatomy Chapter 4

Student Required Vocabulary


  1. morphology
    1. coccus
    2. bacillus
    3. coccobacilli
    4. spiral
      1. vibrio
      2. spirilla
      3. spirochete
    5. others
  2. arrangement
    1. diplo
    2. strepto
    3. tetrads
    4. sarcinae
    5. staphylo
  3. shape retention
    1. monomorphic
    2. pleomorphic
  4. flagella arrangements
    1. atrichous
    2. monotrichous
    3. lophotrichous
    4. amphitrichous
    5. peritrichous

Lecture Outline

  1. Overview
  2. Prokaryotic Cells
    1. External structures
      1. glycocalyx
        1. capsule
        2. slime layer
        1. function
          1. virulence
          2. attachment
      2. S-layer
      3. flagella
        1. structure
          1. filament - flagellin
          2. hook
          3. basal body
            1. rotation
        2. motility
          1. taxis
            1. chemotaxis
        3. identification
          1. serovar
          2. H antigen
      4. Flagella like
        1. fimbriae
        2. pili
          1. twitching motility
          2. conjugation
    2. Cell wall
      1. function
      2. peptidoglycan
      3. Gram +
        1. teichoic Acids
      4. Gram -
        1. plasma membrane
        2. periplasm
        3. outer membrane
          1. porins
          2. lipopolysaccharides
            1. endotoxin.
          3. components
            1. lipid A
            2. core polysaccharide
            3. O polysaccharide
      5. Gram stain mechanism
      6. atypical cell walls
        1. Mycoplasma
        1. Archaea
        2. acid-Fast
          1. mycolic acid
      7. protoplast
        1. lysozyme
    3. Inside the cell wall
      1. plasma membrane
        1. structure
          1. lipid bilayer
          2. protein
            1. peripheral
            2. integral
            3. glycoproteins
            4. glycolipids
          3. fluid mosaic model
        2. selectively permeable
      2. movement across membrane
        1. passive
          1. simple diffusion
          2. facilitated diffusion
          3. osmosis
            • osmotic pressure
          4. osmotic solutions
            1. isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic
        2. active processes
          1. active Transport
          2. group Translocation
      3. cytoplasm
      4. nucleoid
        1. bacterial chromosome
        2. plasmids
      5. inclusions
      6. endospores
        1. sporulation
        2. germination
  3. Common To Both Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic
    1. plasma membrane
    2. ribosomes
    3. nucleic acidsEukaryotic cells
    1. External structures
      1. flagella & cilia
    2. Cell wall
      1. cellulose
      2. chitin
        1. glycocalyx
    3. Internal structures
      1. plasma membrane
      2. cytoplasm
        1. cytosol
        2. cytoskeleton
      3. organelles
        1. nucleus
          1. histones
          1. nuclear envelope
            1. nuclear pores
          2. nucleolus
          3. histones
          4. chromatin
          5. chromosomes
        2. endoplasmic reticulum
          1. rough ER
            1. ribosomes
          2. smooth ER
        3. vesicles
        4. Golgi complex
        5. lysosomes
        6. vacuoles
        7. mitochondria
          1. inner membrane
          2. cristae
          3. intermembrane space
          4. matrix
        8. chloroplasts
          1. double membrane
          2. thylakoids
          3. granum
        9. endosymbiotic theory
        10. peroxisomes
        11. centrosome