Chapter 1 - The Microbial World and You

  1. Background
    1. Microbes
      1. pathogenic
      2. nonpathogenic
  2. Naming Microorganisms
    1. Nomenclature
      1. binomial
        1. genus
        2. species
        3. writing rules
  3. Classifying Microorganisms
    1. Classification by genetics
      1. Domain
        1. Bacteria
        2. Archaea
        3. Eukarya
    2. Classify by cell type
      1. Prokaryotes
      2. Eukaryotes
        1. organelles
    3. Viruses
  4. A Brief History of Microbiology
    1. Microscopy
      1. Hooke
        1. cells
      2. Van Leeuwenhoek
    2. Spontaneous Generation
      1. Redi
      2. Virchow
      3. Louis Pasteur
      4. John Tyndall & Ferdinand Cohn
        1. endospores
    3. Applications of Germ Theory
      1. Lister
      2. Pasteur
        1. pasteurization
      3. Koch
        1. Koch's Postulates
      4. Vaccination
        1. Edward Jenner
        2. Pasteur
    4. Golden Age of Microbiology
    5. Treatments
      1. Ehrlich
      2. Fleming
      3. Antibiotic
      4. ResistanceMicrobes and Human Welfare
    6. Recycling
    7. Sewage treatment
    8. Bioremediation
    9. Pest control
    10. Food
    11. Biotechnology
  5. Microbes and Human Disease
    1. Normal Microbiota
    2. Biofilms
    3. Infectious Disease
    4. Emerging infectious diseases