Chapter 6 - Biological fuel generation 6.1 Global warming and the significance of fossil fuels A. Contrast CO2 release from fossil fuel and recent plant material 6.2 Photosynthesis A. Equation B. Efficiency 1. plants C. Biomass 6.3 Biofuels from biomass A. Definition 1. forms B. Crops & how use C. European land D. Conversion 1. process 2.end products E. Cultivation 1. source a. examples F. Org wastes G. Technical processing 6.4 Bioethanol from biomass A. Alcohol - equation B. Current source C. Benefits of bioethanol 1. cheapest source D. Brazil E. Why industrial F. Pretreatment of biomass G. Biotech impact 1. microorgs 2. bioreactor design H. Stillage 1. definition 2. how deal with 6.5 Biodiesel A. Source B. Method of production C. Biomass sources D. Differences from conv. diesel E. Engine modifications 1. results F. Where used G. Cost 6.6 Methane A. What is it? B. Sources C. Is it a green house gas D. Processing stages from organic mixtures E. Rumen F. Industrial production 1. sewage 2. agriculture & urban wastes a. difficulties G. Biogas 1. definition 2. composition 3. biomethylation a. process 4. scale a. where practiced 5. marine algae 6.7 Hydrogen A. Use B. Competition C. Source 6.8 The way ahead for biofuels A. Entry factors B. Goals C. Other costs 6.9 Contrasting views on climate change A. Solar winds B. Computer modeling C. Fossil fuel supply