Chapter 8 - Plant and forest biotechnology 8.1 Introduction A. Agriculture B. Population C. Green revolution 1. past verses future D. Size 8.2 Plant biotechnology 1. photosynthesis 2. historical plant manipulation a. artificial selection b. traditional breeding 3. artificial mutations 4. genetic manipulation A. Clonal propagation 1. callus tissue 2. production products a. 2ø metabolites b. recombinant protein 3. micropropagation a. uses 4. treatment of plant cells 5. protoplast formation B. Plant genetic engineering a. problem 1. Ti plasmid a. plasmid b. problem 2. alternate gene entry techniques a. gene gun b. eletroporation c. silicon carbide crystals 3. antisense genes 4. what genetic engineering provides 5. improvements C. Improved resistance to specific herbicides 1. goals 2. GMHT 3. herbicides a. glyphosate b. glufosinate 4. GMHT crop effect on environment D. Improved resistance to insect pests and microbial diseases 1. chemical pesticides 2. biological control a. problems 3. Bt 4. viral resistance 5. results E. Improved post-harvest characteristics 1. problems 2. cause 3. tomato a. Flavr Savr 4. targets F. Transgenic crops worldwide 1. where and what modified 2. biofortification a. golden rice 2 3. regulatory approval costs G. Pharming: pharmaceutical crops 1. definition 2. expectations 3. stages 4. stage 5. target drug 6. problems & solutions 8.3 Forest biotechnology A. Why do B. ? Acid rain ? C. Research amounts D. Tissue culture technology E. Targets for change F. Hurdles G. Solutions H. Trees as energy crops 1. coppice crops 2. giant grasses 3. cellulose crops 4. white rot fungi