Chapter 11 - Biotechnology and medicine - Condensed version 11.1 Introduction A. 20th Century B. Public health vs. clinical medicine C. Infectious disease vs. chronic disease D. Early biotech impact 11.2 Pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals A. Pharmaceutical drugs B. Biopharmaceuticals C. Other impact of biotechnology 11.3 Antibiotics A. Alexander Flemming 1. source B. Definition C. How many D. Introduction E. Spectrum F. Production 1. new improvements G. Major applications of genetic manipulation on production H. Orphan drugs I. Resistance J. Animal feeds & food preservation 11.4 Vaccines and monoclonal antibodies A. Vaccines a. antigen b. antibody 1. kinds of vaccines 2. definition 3. manufacturing 4. successes 5. bottom line 6. production 7. how different 8. test for acceptability B. Antibodies 1. polyclonal a. definition b. source 2. monoclonal a. definition b. source c. uses d. production 11.5 Biopharmaceuticals / therapeutic proteins 1. compare & contrast most pharmaceutical products with biopharmaceuticals 2. development requirements 3. difficulties with protein based biopharmaceuticals A. Insulin B. Somatostatin C. Interferons D. Lymphokines E. Hematopoietic growth factors 11.6 Pharmacogenetics A. Definition 11.7 Molecular biology and human disease A. Biomarkers 11.8 Diagnostics in developing countries 11.9 Gene therapy A. Definition B. Goal C. Challenges 1. delivery a. retro virus b. DNA virus c. direct injection d. lipofection e. Ab-like protein 2. expression D. Results so far E. Cell type 1. germ 2. somatic 11.10 Systems biology and medicine A. Vision