Dr. Engle's Seminar Paper Rubric

Each item is worth 20 points.

I. Effective Writing and Communication

  1. Clear sentence structure
  2. Grammar, Spelling, & Punctuation
  3. Voice, Tone, & Correct verb tenses
  4. Organization

II. Depth in Discipline

  1. Intro/Bkg (no data analysis) + 20 page requirement
  2. Correct Depth of Data presented
  3. Correct Science & Science Vocabulary

III. Liberal Arts Integration

  1. Limitations of each reviewed paper
  2. Future Research
  3. Comparison / Contrast of published journal articles
  4. Summary & Conclusion
  5. Cross Disciplines (molec., cell., phys., enviorn., etc.)

IV. References

  1. Number of References (20 minimum)
  2. Different Journals / Sources used
  3. Cited references properly in paper & bibliography
  4. Use of word processor & credible web sources

V. Mercy Values

  1. Define mercy values
  2. Application of mercy values to review content
  3. Ethics and personal reflection